Friday 12 August 2011

Second Coming (2009)

So if I understand the message of this film, Tinnitus is caused by the guilt of murdering a waitress and covering it up, and can be triggered and hard to control when you see the waitress's identical sister walking around in public. Good to know.
                "Second Coming" is one of these terrible films that doesn't know what it wants to be. It is not a horror, because there is nothing to be scare of, sure there is a ghostly image of a dead sister popping up but this is a victim and we already know why she's popping up. This isn’t a mystery because everything is shown and we are forced through many flashbacks to revisit the events that surround our main characters. This isn't a revenge flick because for most of the movie our main character doesn't know why she's seeing the things she's seeing, until about the last 15 minutes when she decides to seek revenge on her sister's murderer. This also isn't a drama or character study because these people do not act or react to anything like real humans do. For example a wife gets jealous and upset because someone leaves a Polaroid of hand holding an earplug. Yep, earplugs… the ultimate sign of infidelity.
                The main reason I detested this film so much, is because of the presence of a ghost.  If the dead twin sister is only trying to get a message out to her alive sister, "Find Me." then why does she come to her in a nightmarish zombie form, or hide behind shower curtains in abandon houses. This does not seem to be the most effective way of getting someone to help you out. If you already look like a zombie, maybe hiding in showers or just appearing in the passenger's car on a dark night, might not be the best forms of communication.  I've tried that tactic of message delivering with my old roommates. Whenever I had to deliver a message to him, I would dress up like a zombie/dead person, hide in their closet and wait for them to open the door. Once the door opens, I reach out like I'm going to kill him and say in the nasty, raspy, deathlike voice, "Your Mother Called!"
                The term "Second Coming" would primarily be associated with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. After watching this I understand that this term cannot be used as a metaphor for this film because after finishing it I thought, "There is no God."
Avoid it


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