Wednesday 24 August 2011

Colin (2008 UK)

Have we had enough low budget Zombie movies yet? Have we not seen enough bad make up moaning slow walkers, terrible acting, insulting linear bad-ass heroes who use to be losers before the outbreak turned them into over-the-top take-no-prisoners renegade warriors? Have we not seen enough degutting scenes copying the infamous "Dawn of the Dead" scene (enough with that scene people!!!)? And have we not seen enough people bitten or infected but hiding their contagion from the rest of the group, knowing perfectly well that they are going to turn into full fledge zombies at any vulnerable moment? Lord knows I am.
                That's why "Colin" was a unique delight to watch. Sure it is ultra low budget, and yes a lot of the makeup effects are no better than your friendly-neighbourhood Zombie walk groups, and yes there are scenes that are poorly lit and hard to see what is suppose to be transpiring. However what this film does is make the viewer feel remorse and  emotional connection to one zombie "Colin".  This is a great low budget flick because it accomplishes what so many big budget films cannot, tell a compelling story with heart and characterization and it focuses on one Zombie.
                The film centers its focus on one infected victim, Colin, who we see transform and then proceed to survive as a brainless zombie. But although there is a disconnection from proper thought, there is also an element of his former human life that is struggling to get back to a particular moment of his human self, leading us into the films heartbreaking ending.  We see him dealing with angry mob/vigilantes, we see him being shockingly dealt with by his loving yet conflicted family, and we see him trying to grasp images and signals that may have a deeper meaning. This is just good story telling.
                "Colin" is so ambitious, competent, and original that you will find yourself not being affected by some poor lighting effects, slow pace, sometimes terrible sometimes good acting, and poor make up effects.  The atmosphere is bleak and yet as we slowly walk around with this newly transformed zombie, there is an element of hope and surprisingly we will be rooting for this flesh eater to triumph. This gives me hope in the zombie genre films.

See it.


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